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Who We Are



The brand.

von rauten is a german brand for incomparable designer bags and purses made of high-quality genuine leather. The trademark of the design collection: the hand-embossed surfaces with 3D-diamond structure. Thereby, the diamonds are trademark, brand identity and signature at once. von rauten is a brand with nooks and edges, self-confident, non-conformist, and with a mind of its own.

The leather imprinting is not done in an industrial fashion but indeed handmade, purse-by-purse, in order to achieve the aimed high quality standard in each bag. Hence, only a certain contingent can be reached each month and availability of the purses is strictly limited. Besides the classic Black Edition, the team around the leading head Imme Vogel also designs special editions and specific single productions as, for instance, purses equipped with a genuine gold zipper or made of rare leather (on demand).

The Tokyo Collection is based on her best seller: Bowling Bag Tokyo. This purse already received two of the most popular, contemporary design awards: 2017 the Red Dot Award and 2018 the German Design Award.

All von rauten bags are hand-sewed in small leather factorys in Germany, after exclusive embossing in the design studio at the Schlachthof in Karlsruhe. Using a specific embossing method, the leather surface remains stitch free, soft and flexible at the same time. On its reverse side, an additional lining guarantees a supple stability of the material and the character diamond embossing. Inner neoprene lining, hidden magnets or secret pockets are some of the special properties of the bags. However, all models have in common the hand-poured 3-D Zipper found on all genuine von rauten bags.

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Imme Vogel.

The founder and ceo

Imme Vogel is an architect and product designer. She is one that likes to think laterally and to break a rule here and there. She tries new things and collects antique designer pieces.

When the few left over pleating factories in Germany advised her to give up her idea around new methods of leather pleating, without further ado, she and her team decided to build their embossing molds themselves and tested different types and qualities of leather until the result met their expectations.

‘I find inspiration equally in nature as in architecture.’ To me the design of a product is perfect, once it leaves nothing more to renounce. I am fascinated by nature’s geometric shapes, the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence. Simple and unexplainably perfect. By the way, already in kinder garden my favorite color was black, why the teacher thought something was wrong with me. But I always liked the fastidious. The best way to understand good design is with the example of a black T-Shirt. How does the material feel? How is the cut? How is the fabrication? When reduced to these components, ‚good design‘ becomes apparent.‘

Imme Vogel is living with her husband, her 4-year old son and her pug Coco near Karlsruhe in Germany.